Thursday, November 12, 2015

Re: Nicaragua Mission Trip

I have posted to web site.

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On Nov 11, 2015, at 9:17 PM, John Wampler <> wrote:

>> Nicaragua Mission Trip: November 2015
>> Our "On Mission With Christ" trip to Nicaragua was both encouraging and challenging. The first days of our week we "girted" ourselves and continued the Church construction project in Guadalupe which we began earlier in the year. Not only were we encouraged to see the whole Church property now under roof, but also because of the greeting received by our now familiar Church friends who had a new excitement and many stories of new and expanding ministries. Yet to enhance and continue the construction project much labor was still needed. The team along with our Nicaraguan brothers proceeded over the next three days to build a concrete platform that also was to become an altar of prayer. The last night of construction we dedicated it and began "breaking it in" as Pastor Mario and our team knelt before the Lord and ask Him to be attentive to the prayers and decisions which would be made there.
>> The next days were filled with travel to assess the need of several ministries close to the Honduran border. We first met with an indigenous church and its leader. After preaching the Word we talked about their need for a church building. They led us up a long slope to a picturesque view of the surrounding valley and mountains. While there we once again called upon the name of the Lord to raise up a place for His Name, His glory and His worship.
>> The next day we looked at other ministries that needed either financial (a Christian school) or construction help. We finished up our week on Sunday at the well-established Calvary Baptist church in inter-city Managua. The Lord moved as our team taught Sunday school and preached in worship Service. Decisions were made for Christ, relationships were strengthened, and many doors for ministry are on the horizon. I pray that you step up and through one of these doors.
>> By His grace, for His glory
>> Dennis Davidson

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